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Thursday 13 December 2012

Christmas – The Season of Giving

Christmas, to me, is one the most exciting holidays in a year. I love how this special day has translated into a day of sharing joy and rejoicing. I’m sure for many of us there is a practice of exchanging gifts in celebration of this occasion, be it amongst colleagues, friends, or even family members. However, are we all racking our brains for gift ideas?

Let me share with you some amazing gift ideas that will not only fit your budgets (items recommended below start from as low as $8) but at the same time be useful to the receiver of the gift. And the best part of it is that the options are almost limitless because here at New 8ge, we have a treasure cove of crystals and stones available that will make a perfect gift.

To Encourage Love:
  • Rose Quartz
    • Heart Shape Tumble Stones (Finding new friends and love)
    • Bracelets (Finding new friends and love)
    • Mandarin Ducks (For a Lasting Loving Relationship)
  • Unakite (Aids Pregnancy)
To Grow Wealth: 
  • Obsidian 
    • Hulus Trinkets & Displays (Preserves Wealth) 
  • Citrine 
    • Pendants (Generates Wealth) 
    • Bracelets (Generates Wealth) 
  • Pi Xiu 
    •  Trinkets (Generate Wealth)
To Advance Careers: 
Tiger Eye
  • Green Phantom Pendants (“Attracts” Mentors at Work) 
  • Tiger Eye (Greater Confidence) 
  • Lapiz Lazulli (Greater Communications Skills) 
  • Rose Quartz (Networking) 
  • Gold Rutile (Improves Negotiation Skills) 
  • Moss Agate Bangle/Tumble Stones (For Growth in New Areas i.e. new job) 
  • Ruyi Trinket (For Promotion to Management) 
  • Clear Quartz (Clarity of Thoughts)
Phantom Bracelet
To Encourage Harmony:
Rose Quartz Gift Set
  • Cicada Trinkets (Avoid Gossips and Negative Energy) 
  • Amethyst Geodes (Recharging and Cleansing Energy) 
  • Clear Quartz or Calcite Sphere (Cleansing Energy) 
  •  Rose Quartz (Better Networking and Relationship)
To Stimulate Peace and Relaxation:
  • Aquamarine Bracelets Moonstone Pendants (Calms and Balances Hormones)
To raise Spiritual Awareness:
  • Kyanite Pendants (Opens Up Chakras) 
  • Peridots Rings & Tumble (Achieve Happiness) 
  • Herkimer Diamonds (For Stronger Connections)
To Stay Healthy: 
  • Multi-Tourmaline (Clear Blockages in the Body) 
  • Labradorite (Release Stress and Blood Pressure) 
  • Amethyst (For Better Sleep)
Amethyst Bracelet

To Enhance Health, Wealth, Luck, Love and Career: 
  • 8 treasures Bracelets/Trinkets ($29 to $59) 
  • Pixiu Jade Trinkets
Most importantly, as you are going around buying gifts for all your friends and family, do not forget to buy a gift for the one person that has played a very big part in your everyday life and gave you the strength to be the awesome person that you are today – yourself. Pamper yourself this holiday season and grab a little something as a reward to yourself after a long hard year of working or studying hard. All the above crystals, and even more options, are available at our little island, so do feel free to drop by and see which crystal is best suited for your gift-giving needs.

New 8ge Treasures - A treasure island where Earth Crystals Sing;
Come and Discover Timeless Beauty, Along Rivers of Energy.

Friday 30 November 2012

Anti-Aging (Mookaite Stones Part 2)

Remember in last week’s post I shared my love for Mookaite stones, and I mentioned this: “Working with the Mookaite has also changed my outlook on life in general. Regular walks with the Mookaite stones have instilled within my inner self a sense of calm and understanding that while I am growing older, I am in fact, getting younger. Age is just a number, and with the way I am living my life now, surrounded by amazing and beautiful crystals, I have never felt younger and more energized!”

Those of you who read the previous post and have already dropped by my shop to learn more about this amazing stone will know what I’m about to share, but I would still like to use this post to highlight that in fact the Mookaite is able to counter the effects of aging, and is most well-known as an anti-aging stone!

And as Sophia Loren once said,

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”

I personally feel that age is just a number, and more important that what your physical age is, is how young/old you feel. If you are in fact 45 years old, but feeling 25 at heart, naturally there will be an added bounce to your step and a youthful vigour to your actions. This inadvertently leads to you feeling younger, and looking younger as a result.

And this is where the Mookaite stones come in to play in helping to create that mentality.
Basically, what the Mookaite is able to do is help put positive thoughts in one’s mind, thus inspiring motivation and encouraging spontaneous behaviour. This is really important, because as the saying goes: “mind over matter”. With the help of the stone in “generating” within one self a positive attitude and thinking towards aging, the aging process is naturally slowed down. At the same time, it acts as a protector against negative situations, shielding the user from potential harm. This reduces the stress one has to face, and when you feel less stressful, naturally you age slower.

However, do not expect this stone to work overnight. With this stone, time is required, and I feel that an effective way of working with this stone is to put it near you, especially at night when you are going to bed. My personal favourite way is to just place a piece of the Mookaite stone under the pillow every night. An alternative will be to wear the Mookaite stone as jewellery. This ensures you can keep it with you all day long, thus slightly speeding up the anti-aging process.

On top of the amazing anti-aging properties mentioned earlier, the Mookaite also has exceptional healing properties as well. The Mookaite is said to be able to cleanse the blood, and is sometimes also known as the stone of self-healing. It strengthens one’s immune system, such that illness does not befall that easily, and even if it does, the user is able to recover quickly due to a strong immune system and overall good blood flow within the body. This also significantly reduces the effects of aging, making the Mookaite a truly amazing stone to use as it helps reduce aging not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually. 

Friday 16 November 2012

Loving Nature (Mookaite Stones Part 1)

My love for crystals complements another of my favourite past-time – taking nature walks. From young, I have been drawn to nature, marveling at how Mother Nature creates and molds our natural environment. Did you all know that crystals are also another one of Mother Nature’s beautiful creations?

Crystals are formed beneath the Earth’s surface, and many factors affect the formation of crystals, such as water availability, temperature, pressure etc. Ever since I discovered the world of crystals, I often find myself taking strolls along nature parks with a variety of stones/crystals. And while it is always relaxing to indulge in nature, when complemented with a couple of crystals in my pocket, I find my experiences brought to a whole new level.

In particular, I enjoy carrying a couple of Mookaite stones in my pocket whenever I feel the urge to explore the beauty of nature. I find that especially when I am feeling conflicted about certain decisions that I have to make, a walk in Nature with the Mookaite stones helps to clear my mind and shine some light on the various options available to me. The vibrations from the Mookaite stones bring about an energy that makes me more aware of my options, helping me to make the best decision based on my circumstances at that point in time.

Working with the Mookaite has also changed my outlook on life in general. Regular walks with the Mookaite stones have instilled within my inner self a sense of calm and understanding that while I am growing older, I am in fact, getting younger. Age is just a number, and with the way I am living my life now, surrounded by amazing and beautiful crystals, I have never felt younger and more energized!  

Other than the Mookaite, there are a variety of other stones/crystals that work really well for walks in the nature as well. Some gives off a relaxed and contented vibe, while others instill upon the user a sense of adventure and energy. If you are, like me, a nature lover, and would like to know how to enhance your nature walk experience, you know where to find me!

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Black Precious Opal

We all have wishes – things that we want to have. And every now and then, through our efforts, hard work, or sometimes, even sheer luck, we manage to make a few of these wishes come true.

Remember the feeling when you finally achieve something you had wished for? Well, now just imagine what it would be like, if every single one of your wish came true?

Today, I would like to share some insight about a beautiful gemstone that is said to have the ability to help you attain your wishes. Known as the Black Precious Opal, this gemstone has the power to intensify and make known one’s intentions, especially if is emotionally charged. Essentially, the power of this amazing stone is its ability to amplify the effects of one’s emotions (i.e. the reason behind your wish), blend it together with one’s focused intentions (i.e. the thing you are wishing for), to result in a higher possibility of one’s wish coming true. This is not to say that it will work just like Aladdin’s Magic Lamp - granting every single one of our wildest wish. But, the Black Previous Opal, when used correctly in the right setting, can act as our own Genie, and an even better one that Aladdin’s, because there is no limit of only three wishes!

This is also why the Black Precious Opal underscores the importance of the common proverb: “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.” The idea that all our wishes can come true is definitely a tempting one, but are we really sure that we want all our wishes to come true?

“Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” – The Dalai Lama 

“More tears are shed over answered prayers that unanswered ones.” – Mother Theresa

As the Black Precious Opal is a powerful gemstone, it is recommended that one should only work with it in a high state of awareness and excellent control of one’s thoughts and feelings. If you are interested in exploring the power of this beautiful gemstone, please do come down to the shop!

Not only can we discuss how to beneficially use the Black Precious Opal, you can also come and see for yourself how physically beautiful the Black Precious Opal is. We have limited exquisite pieces of the Black Precious Opal in store right now. With its unique internal structure, it is able to diffract all colours known to humans. Hope to see you!

Friday 26 October 2012

Lemon Quartz - Faster-acting than Citrine!

Ever heard the popular saying: “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? Well, I say, when life gives you lemons, get the lemon quartz! You may be wondering to yourself now, why is that so? Well, that is because the lemon quartz is known to bring not only fresh flow of energies, but GOOD LUCK as well!
Lemon Quartz Owl

Especially useful around the workplace, the lemon quartz is able to keep one’s focus at work, guiding you in the right direction towards the goals you have set. Keeping the lemon quartz close by not only helps you to keep up with tight deadlines, but also helps in maintaining relationships between co-workers.

In terms of physical beauty, the lemon quartz is a gorgeous gemstone belonging to the quartz family. As the name suggests, it is classified under the lemon yellow variety within the quartz family. It is naturally formed through the heating of iron, amethyst, and most importantly, yellow quartz, all together at an extremely high temperature and pressure. It is also this natural process that results in the beautiful yellow colour of the final product. With its beauty, paired with durability and hardness, it is no wonder that the lemon quartz is a top choice for use in making all sorts of jewelry.

Lemon quartz attracts me most for its capability to attract money fast.

One of my customers who is in- charge of sales collections has feedback that their customers even paid long outstanding invoices without any reminders!
Lemon Quartz Egg Shape

So remember, when life gives you lemons, instead of making lemonade, surround yourself with the lemon quartz – it stimulates within your inner self a sense of bliss and contentment by reminding you of the goods things in life, thus reducing or overpowering any sense of negativity you may be experiencing.

Please come down to my shop at Nex if you are interested to experience for yourself what the lemon quartz is able to do for you!

Friday 19 October 2012

Crystal Cleansing

Why do you need to cleanse your newly obtained crystals?

Generally, crystals are harvested from crystal caves, ocean or any parts of the World. The whole process begins from mining out from the crystal caves to the finished products. This process took a lot of efforts and precious human time. Imagine some crystals might have travelled all over the world to reach their final destination….on your hand.

By then, the crystals might have already tinged with many forms of energies during their journey and still carried with them while on display at our shop. That is why it is important to cleanse the crystals once you obtain them. The intention is to wash away all the negativities and re-energize the crystals to their original energy.

How do you cleanse your crystals?

Rinse under running tap water 
Rinse your crystals under running tap water is the easiest and most convenient method. It washes the negative energies it have accumulated.

Place in the light of the sun or moon
Recharge your crystals in the light of the sun or moon for few hours. All crystals should not place under direct sunlight as the strong sun ray may cause the crystals to fade even if it is natural.

Natural Sea Salt
Soak your crystals in a clean container filled with clean water and a pinch of natural sea salt. You may soak the crystals overnight but remember to rinse under running tap water once done.

Gentle reminder: Crystals that are water soluble like Azurite, Azurite-Malachite, Lapis lazuli, Malachite, Hematite, Iron Pyrite, Sugilite, should not soak in water.

Use other crystals as cleansing crystals
Certain crystals like Amethyst, Carnelian, and Clear Quartz cluster have the ability to cleanse other crystals. Place them around or near these crystals will help to cleanse and recharge your crystals.

Natural White Sage products
White Sage Products
Natural White Sage plants are a herb that comes various countries like America, Mexico and Australia. They have been used by the natives American Indians for purification purposes for thousands of years. You can use white sage herbs to purify and cleanse your crystals. White sage products are available as incense, smudge sticks or spray. Besides using it to cleanse your crystals, white sage can also be used to cleanse your home, office or retail shops.

White Sage Smudge Sticks & Incense
If you have many crystal collections, the simplest method to cleanse your crystals is to use white sage herbs to smudge (light up a bundle of white sage and use the smoke) your crystals so that you need not move them around.

Crystals are from Mother Earth. They have existed for many hundreds of thousands of years. Taking time to cleanse your crystals is extremely important and should be done regularly. So take care of your crystals so that they can take care of you!

Sunday 14 October 2012

"Higher Level"

Previously, I’ve introduced stones that anyone can benefit from. Today, I would like to introduce a “higher-level” stone that is particularly strong, and also, extremely useful for people who have been practicing chakra meditation. The Serpentine is a stone that works to clear any blocked or stagnant energy. Though not a frequent practitioner of chakra meditation myself, I find that using the Serpentine helps stimulate and arouse my kundalini energies. This energy, in case you are wondering, has been described as a “sleeping, dormant potential force in the human organism”.

Usage of the Serpentine in meditation can help to achieve Kundalini Awakening. This experience has sometimes been dubbed as the one and only way to attaining Divine Wisdom. That aside, achieving the Kundalini Awakening brings about an “awakening of inner knowledge” and with that, pure joy, pure knowledge and pure love. If you are searching for such an enlightening experience, yet are facing trouble attaining it, I strongly recommend the Serpentine which will bring you one step closer to your goal.

Additionally, it is also a stone that heals the heart and the lungs, so really, even if you’re not using the stone for meditation purposes; it is still a good stone to keep around. It encourages cellular regeneration, and helps to keep one looking youthful and energetic.

之前介绍的石头非常容易运用。今天,我想介绍一个比较不同的石头 - 蛇纹石。蛇纹石特别强,对于一直在练习轮冥想的人非常有用。它能轻易清除任何阻止或停滞的能源。虽然我不是频繁的轮冥想练习者,但我也发现了使用蛇纹石有助于激发和调动我的昆达利尼能量。



Monday 1 October 2012

Super 7

There’s Superman; our all-time favourite superhero, Super Junior; a Korean Boy Band, and in the Crystal World, there’s also something super, a.k.a. Super 7.

When I was discussing the Tiger Iron, I mentioned that something amazing is inevitably created when a few good elements are “combined” together. Given that the Super 7 is a crystal that retains the properties of the following 7 elements – Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Clear Quartz, Geothite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile and Smoky Quartz, it is without a doubt as amazing and super as it sounds!

The above-mentioned seven elements each has its own set of properties which I will briefly list down below so that you all can have a clearer understanding of how SUPER the Super 7 really is. 

Amethyst – helps to foster spiritual growth and connection with higher states of consciousness. It is a strong stone with the ability to change negative energy into positive energy, giving one the strength, stability, calm and patience to handle stressful situations.  

Cacoxenite – opens people up to the infinite field of intelligence, leading to solutions and enlightened ways of creating peace and harmony. It helps one see the positive and benevolent side of life.
Clear Quartz – is considered a premier crystal that is able to embrace one’s soul’s highest purpose and acts as a vessel of divine service. It is well-known for enhancing one’s communication and listening skills. 

Geothite – transforms old unconscious beliefs into new ones which are consistent with one’s conscious awakened desires/higher purposes. It helps to lessen the burden of distraction and enhances one’s ability to concentrate and focus.

Lepidocrocite – aligns, harmonizes, and most importantly, anchors the energetic bodies, thus honouring one’s soul’s physical experience with grace and ease. It can help to promote grounding, centering and clear thoughts, thus expanding and retaining one’s knowledge.

Rutile – a strong conductor and amplifier of energy, helping to open one’s awareness to multi-dimensional states of being. It promotes and builds stability within relationships, and is a great tool for dispelling unwanted energy.

Smoky Quartz – helps to ground, energize and clear one’s entire energy field. It enhances focus, attentiveness, creativity and good business acumen.

Although there is this saying “too many cooks spoil the broth”, in the case of the Super 7, it is able to retain all the energy and clarity of each of the individual element that it is made up of. This means that all the benefits of each of the elements as mentioned above are essentially packed into one Super 7 crystal. How much more amazing can it get?

Well, apparently much more. Did you know that it is a crystal that never needs cleansing or energizing? The elements which make up the Super 7 work in harmony together, providing the cleansing and energizing effect on their own. Given that the Super 7 is able to help the user open up all the senses and see auras, it is deemed an important stone for stimulating and developing psychic abilities. 

You might think that the Super 7 is named as such because it is made up of 7 elements. However, the cooler, as well as more accurate, reason is because it is associated with all seven chakras, healing, balancing and energizing all of them together.  It truly is a crystal that will help you if you are seeking personal growth and the truth of life!

Friday 21 September 2012

New Beginnings

Hello everyone! Following up from last week’s post on Prince William and Princess Kate’s visit to Singapore, rumours of Kate expecting a baby have been flying around due to her turning down wine for water instead during two of the dinners she attended. Hearing this has reminded me that I must introduce an amazing stone that helps in child-bearing!

Moss Agate Bangle
The Moss Agate is a stone formed in shades of green. The patterns that form resembles moss from a distance, hence the name Moss Agate. It is very commonly used by mid-wives to assist in successful birthing by lessening pain felt by the mother. Aside from that, it also speeds up the recovery process after delivery, and additionally, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, cleanses and boosts the immune system.
Moss Agate Pendant

Known as the Stone of New Beginnings, the Moss Agate enhances concentration, persistence, endurance and success in one's endeavors  Throughout history, the Moss Agate has always been seen the most powerful among all Agates, due to its association as the agate of warriors, and also because it helps to balance emotional energy, such that the wearer can let go of any anger and bitterness. Also considered an abundance stone, it is said to bring about health, riches and friends to the wearer.

Personally, I love the Moss Agate as I have found that it strengthens me, especially in times of stress. It helps me to stimulate new ideas, releases my fears and reduces the stress I face in my daily life.  It is really quite an amazing stone, so be sure to surround yourself with the Moss Agate, especially if you are giving birth soon!

Friday 14 September 2012

Mandarin Ducks – Love and Harmony

This week marked a very historical week for Singapore: A visit from the British Royal couple, Prince William and his lovely wife, Princess Kate.

Love makes the world go round! And indeed, they are travelling round the World with lots of love.  Everyone is so excited and happy at their presence. With their powerful love energy, we rejoices as one which bring us joy and happiness.

Everyday, we too look forward to such a blissful harmonious energy for our well-being.

Their royal appearance has inspired me to introduce you the most popular LOVE symbol in Feng Shui cure - Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks!

A pair of Mandarin ducks in rose quartz crystal enhances relationships and harmony. Because rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, it teaches true essence of love and is potent in attracting love towards you. Thus a pair of Mandarin ducks made from rose quartz crystal may bring additional energy to your feng shui love cure.

For singles, you can use it to attract a love partner. Married couples can also use it to enhance their marriage to promote loyalty and devotion to each other.

Always display your Mandarin ducks in a pair and face the same direction, never have just one duck as it will not work as a happy love symbol.

In symbolic feng shui, there are many other images with great feng shui energy of love such as rose quartz in heart shaped, mystic knots and double happiness.

Generally, they are wonderful gifts for your friends and family members' joyous events like wedding, birthday, house warming,  and even for starting a new job.

Friday 7 September 2012

Jet (Black Amber)

Today, I would like to introduce Jet, a beautiful black gemstone also known as Black Amber. Formed from fossilized wood, Jet is an organic material that can be polished to produce a waxy, velvety luster. Jet was a very popular gemstone material in the nineteenth century valued greatly by the Romans and Greek, and it remains a classic beauty today, due to its beautiful jet black colour that results from carbon content. In the words of Hermann von Helmholtz, "Black is real sensation, even if it is produced by entire absence of light. The sensation of black is distinctly different from the lack of all sensations."
Jet Black Bangle

In the past, it has been said that Jet was used as a talisman for protection from fears and ghosts etc. Today, it is commonly used for easing pain and bringing grief to the surface to be healed. It is an excellent stone to wear if you are looking to take control of your own life, as it helps the wearer attract and channel energy into the chosen direction. Additionally, it has been said that Jet can help with the cleansing of the liver and kidneys, especially when combined with Amber or Sugilite.

I like how having the Jet around me stabilizes my mood, allowing me to take control of my thoughts and action and feel balanced all round. And really, the natural black colour of the stone just makes Jet jewelry so attractive that I can’t help but want to have it around me always, because really, it goes with anything and everything I wear. Oh and did I mention that the Jet is a money-attracting stone? So functional and so beautiful; I guess sometimes you really can have your cake and eat it too!


Jet Black Bangle


Friday 31 August 2012

Multi-Coloured Tourmaline 多彩色碧玺 (电气石)

The Multi-Coloured Tourmaline was the second crystal I bought, and it is truly a miraculous crystal. Within the industry, such multi-coloured tourmalines are considered true miracles of colour, with such a varied spectrum of almost unlimited range. More amazing than that is the fact that aside from making stunning jewellery, tourmalines are popular for emotional healing as well.

That is also why it was introduced to me  when I was working my way up the career ladder. Tourmalines are known to have good energetic connectivity and wealth of minerals, which creates an invigorating and fortifying effect. Due to the crystal hardness, it also makes them easy to handle.

I love my Multi-Coloured Tourmaline and it has over the years helped to bring my mind, body and spirit into wholeness and also inspired creativity and enhanced imagination within me.



Multi-Colour Tourmaline Necklace


Friday 24 August 2012

Ocean Jasper 海洋碧玉

Hi there everyone! Here’s hoping everyone reading this is having a great day so far. And now, I am going to share with you some information about a beautiful and rare mineral that may just make your day more exciting.  If you have been searching for the Ocean Jasper, a rare mineral that is found only in ONE REMOTE LOCATION in the whole wide world – on the coast of Madagascar, you will be glad to know that I am carrying a few limited pieces at my shop!

The Ocean Jasper is really a mysterious mineral, given that prior to 2000, it only existed in stories, and no one knew for sure where the original site of the quarry was even though there were a handful of mineral collectors trading it. Then, in 2000, an exploration group searched tirelessly along the coast of Madagascar for 45 days before stumbling upon the Ocean Jasper deposit. It is situated at a place that is only accessible during low tide, and this makes mining it difficult, with miners having to schedule their trips very carefully.

It is worth it though, as the Ocean Jasper, even in its natural “rough” state, makes for a very beautiful stone. Said to help with one’s emotions, it is also known as the Stone of Joy. Not only does it bring about relaxation and cooperation to the home and workplace, it is also able to bring about increased expression of love in words and actions of the wearer. Overall it allows the wearer to focus more on the positive aspects of his/her life, effectively eradicating negative thoughts and allows one to appreciate more the blessings in life.





Friday 17 August 2012

Powerful Protection Crystals 保平安水晶

Black Tourmaline  黑电气石
Obsidian  黑曜石
Bronzite 古铜辉石
Tiger Eyes  虎眼 
Onyx  彩纹玛瑙
Spinel  尖晶石

Golden Tiger Eye Bracelet
These are Powerful Protection crystals that commonly used to protect against dark force. They are popular for its ability to deflect negativity and psychic attacks. Naturally these crystals have strong protective energies that even in the ancient times, people are believed to use them as protection amulets for themselves and family.

Any other good benefits from these protection crystals?

Yes, they can ground one's energy and increase physical vitality.


保平安水晶具有增强个人气场,促进能量流动的功效,同时更可稳固气场有助于加强生命力, 增进体力、耐力,是健康的宝石。

Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Power of Quartz

Rose Quartz (粉水晶)
Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, it teaches true essence of love. It is potent in drawing love and positive relationship towards you. When used together with Amethyst, it calms things down, restore trust and harmony. Amethyst, Rose quartz and Clear quartz are often used together because Amethyst and Rose quartz carry soothing energy while Clear quartz gives you the clarity of mind. Clear quartz is a powerful healing and energy amplifier. The three crystals help to relieve physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress.

Amethyst (紫水晶)
粉水晶代表著無條件的愛,它能教導愛的真諦。粉水晶所散发出来的是温和而吸引人的粉红色光芒,可以使四周的人喜爱自己,所以对于办公室的和谐及人脉关系就 有其主要的影响。不管是对客户、上司、下属及同事间粉水晶可以带来绝佳的辅助及改善效果,使人际关系更加的圆润,人缘更加畅旺。

由於粉水晶的能量強大, 因此可以同時持有紫水晶, 用以緩和粉水晶的能量。
紫水晶, 粉水晶和白水晶一起使用, 可以加强水晶能量, 有助於緩解身體、 情感和心理的壓力。

Friday 10 August 2012

Tiger Iron

Take a few good elements, combine them together, and you get something really amazing! The Tiger Iron crystal is one such example of an amazing creation, with the creator being none other than Nature itself. The Tiger Iron is formed from a combination of Tiger Eye, Red Jasper, and Hematite. As such, the Tiger Iron contains properties from all the three elements it is made up of.  The Tiger Iron crystal is also known as Mugglestone, which makes it sounds like it is something from the World of Harry Potter!

Here is a simple overview of the properties of the three key ingredients within the Tiger Iron.

Owl Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye: The Tiger Eye is used to bring about insight and clear thinking. More known as a crystal for the mind rather than the body, the Tiger Eye crystal helps to steer thoughts in the right direction and allows the wearer to be aware of his/her own needs in relation to the needs of others.

Red Jasper: The Red Jasper, also known as the “supreme nurturer”, is a provider of protection and, at the same time, an absorber of negative energy. It is a crystal that encourages honesty within one’s self and gives one the courage to face even the toughest problems. It has the ability to stimulate and transform ideas into action.

Hematite: The Hematite is a protective stone which grounds the wearer. It stimulates the wearer, allowing for strong concentration and focus, giving the wearer a sense of courage, strength, endurance and vitality. It is a natural crystal which has strong physical healing properties, aiding in the restoration and regulation of blood supply. This is especially useful for wearers suffering from blood conditions such as anaemia.

As you can see, the above three crystal has their merits on their own. However, when combined together into the Tiger Iron, it becomes even more stronger, without being “overloaded” by too many functions. It is able to “multi-task” and brings about all the benefits that are within the Tiger Eye, Red Jasper and Hematite, as mentioned above. I really enjoy having the Tiger Iron around me, as it gives me the energy and will-power to go about my everyday life with confidence and focus!







Friday 3 August 2012

Topaz 黄玉石 - 财富水晶

One of my favourite quotes about love is this:

"Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion, it is not the desire to mate every second minute of the day, it is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every cranny of your body. No, don't blush, I am telling you some truths. That is just being "in love", which any fool can do.

Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident."

— Louis de Bernières

Today, the stone I would like to introduce to you is able to help one find one’s destiny. Also known as the stone of true love, the topaz is a transparent stone in its purest form. It is also one of the twelve stones found on the breastplate of ancient Hebrew High Priests, as mentioned in the Book of Exodus, to protect the door to Heaven together with the 12 powerful angels.

Sometimes when I feel “lost”, I find that using the topaz stone really helps in making me more aware of my thoughts, feelings and actions. It helps to eliminate stagnant energies by directing body energy to places where it is most needed. The topaz also balances, soothes and cleanses my thoughts. It eliminates stress, and brings about a sense of rejuvenation and joy within my whole self. The topaz also has healing properties which will be able to help people with various ailments.

Topaz is also one of the hardest mineral found in nature, and the name of Topaz comes from ancient Sanskrit, which means Fire. Topaz is also considered as gemstone, with the Imperial Topaz as the most prized topaz in the family.

If you are interested to know more about this amazing stone, or any other crystals, do leave me a comment! Or better yet, just drop by my shop and have a chat with me. I love discussions about all the various crystals and stones that have impacted my life. Cheers!


当我感觉到 “迷失”时,我发现使用黄玉石能让我更了解我的思维和感情。它有助于消除停滞的能量,把身体的能量引导到最需要的地方。除此之外,黄玉石能净化我的气场,有消除压力,补充能量的功能。黄玉石有着愈合的属性,对于有疾病的人来说非常有益。


Thursday 2 August 2012

Law of Attraction

Recently I read about this book “Law of Attraction” by Michael J. Losier and would like to share with you some interesting parts of the book.


Positive and Negative Vibrations (Vibes)

The word vibe is often used to describe a mood or a feeling that you are experiencing.In short, a vibe equals a mood or a feeling.

In the “Vibrational” world, there are two kinds of vibrations, positive (+) and negative (-). Every single moment you have a mood or a feeling. In this moment right now, the mood or feeling you are experiencing is causing you to emit or send out a negative or positive vibration.

Here’s where the Law of Attraction comes in. The Law of Attraction (universal energy around you that obeys the science of physics) is responding to the vibration you are offering. Right now, in this very moment, it is matching your vibration by giving you more of the same, whether positive or negative.

Positive Vibrations (+)
Negative Vibrations (-)

Non-deliberate Attraction

Many people are often curious about why they keep attracting the same thing over and over again.  They are absolutely certain that they are not sending out anything negative, yet in a specific area of their life, negative experiences keep showing up. This happens because they are sending a negative vibe non-deliberately simply through their observation of what they are currently getting.

For example, if you open your wallet and don’t see any money, by observing that you’re not seeing any money there, you are now offering a vibration of lack, fear or some other similar negative vibration. Although you’re not doing it on purpose, the Law of Attraction is simply responding to your vibration and giving you more of the same. It doesn’t know what action you are taking that is causing you to generate this negative vibration. You might be remembering, or pretending, or daydreaming, or in this case just merely observing.

Deliberate Attraction

It’s important to understand that the Law of Attraction is already existing in your life whether you understand it or not, whether you like it or not, or whether you believe or not. If you like what you are observing, then celebrate it, and in your celebration you will get more of it. If you don’t like what you are getting, then it is time to tap into the Law of Attraction more deliberately so you can stop attracting what you don’t want and start attracting what you do. In other words – Deliberate Attraction.


I hope this will help you to understand more on the crystal energy we are always referring.

Positive Energy = Positive Thinking

Friday 27 July 2012

Wealth Elephants 吸财大象

The Elephant is a sacred animal symbolizing loyalty, wisdom, strength, longevity and all the noble qualities of a good leader. It is also believed to bring abundance lucks and wealth to its owner.

Where to place the Elephants?

  1. If you are planning to have new family member (i.e. baby), it is best to activate the Elephants close to your bedroom entrance leading towards your bedroom or beside your bed.
  2. For more family luck, place the Elephants in the west sector of your living room to signify descendant luck.
  3. For protection, you may place the Elephants facing your main door or at any entrance of your home or office.
  4. For office protection and good luck, place them on your work desk facing out
 吸财大象 --有增权力、聚财和吉祥如意之功。 

大象是神圣的动物。它象征忠诚、 智慧、 力量和 长寿, 有领导才能。因为大象的鼻能吸水和喷水, 在风水学上, 大象有吸财功用。如将其摆放于公司或者家中,则会增加公司的生意、财源广进, 并且有助事业发展增加个人的权威。

, 如山一般, 可以起到吸旺气加强靠山之力量的功效。靠山即贵人, 凡事有靠山, 做起事来也更得心应手。

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Black Rutilated Quartz 黑发晶

Black Rutilated Quartz has strands of black tourmaline within clear or white quartz crystal.  This combination embodies both the energy of Black Tourmaline and the strong vibration of Clear Quartz crystal, which amplifies the Tourmaline energy. Thus Black Rutilated Quartz is a powerful healing crystal that balances Yin and Yang energy.

Black Rutilated Quartz is also a strong environmental cleanser as it amplifies the vibration of the Black Tourmaline out into the environment where it is located to transmute any negativity and create positive feelings.

Black Rutilated Quartz is an excellent stone to wear as it acts as a shield preventing negativity and promoting and amplifying positive energy for increased harmony in your life.

黑发晶又称领袖石,为人主管者戴着可增加领袖魅力,让部署向心力加强,有助于事业成功。黑发晶特指内涵物为黑色针状,多数为黑色电气石(黑碧玺 Black Tourmaline) 的成分。黑发晶能消除负性能量具有强大的避邪化煞能力。


Friday 20 July 2012

Bronzite 古铜辉石 Stone of Courtesy

The first time I heard the name of Bronzite was sometime early last year. A male customer was actually looking for Bronzite and told me that it is a very powerful protection stone against negative vibes.

Early this year, another customer highlighted that Bronzite is a stone of courtesy and it is excellent for people in customer service line to maintain politeness and calm.  Recently we have some Bronzite bracelets that just arrived and out of curiosity, I decided to wear one myself, and I did experience the comforting energy of Bronzite.

So let us discuss a bit more about Bronzite.

The Bronzite is a crystal made of magnesium and iron. The energy emitted by this crystal has been said to promote control and certainty, encouraging the user to take control of actions and be sure about decisions. In addition, this natural crystal is also able to help one transit through the different phases of life and ease the symptoms of aging! Now this is something that I am sure all of us will be pleased with.

Overall, the Bronzite is a natural crystal that benefits in the following ways:

1) Physical health: preventing and eliminating internal ulcers
2) Emotional health: Eliminating depression
3) Spiritual health: by being really useful in helping the user to develop a spiritual transformation.

Use Bronzite at night for the best effect, and wake up feeling recharged, centered, and ready to take on any challenges that may come along your way.

I look forward to aging gracefully with this beautiful crystal.




Wednesday 18 July 2012

Life's Great Fortune “终生有钱”

 A symbol of Life's Great fortune, the Celestial Animal, Pixiu, lies majestically on a Heavenly Bell. This symbolizes a lifetime of Wealth and Abundance. Enhanced with the 8 Treasures Crystals, the wearer carries auspicious luck and fortune!

招财瑞兽, 貔貅坐蹲于天钟, 有“终生有钱”的美好寓意。佩帶八宝水晶, 定然财运亨通,

Friday 13 July 2012

Peridot - The Happy Crystal

The green colour is one of my favourite colours. It has often been associated with nature, healing and rejuvenation. I am sure many of us have been told that looking far at the greenery plants relaxes the eyes, or that eating green vegetables is beneficial for the body. Well, do you all know that in the crystal world, there is a beautiful green stone that is believed to be a gift from Mother Nature? The happy crystal, Peridot is one of the few gemstones around that can only be found with one colour – green. The intensity of the colour of this natural crystal varies depending on the iron content, with the most valued shade being the dark olive-green.

The Peridot has been mentioned in many ancient references such as the Bible, and is considered to be sacred, especially to the early Christians. Traditionally, Catholic Bishops  adorn a ring of peridot and amethyst which symbolises purity and morality. This is still a practice in various parts of the world. During the rise of the French Empire, Napoleon himself once presented Josephine with a gift of this beautiful natural crystal, Peridot to declare his undying love and admiration.

The Peridot is truly a stone of beauty and lightness. It is a happy crystal. The crystal is a protector against negative emotions. It has a calming effect which soothes the wearer, especially for the spiritual or clear-minded person. The Peridot has been known to have healing effects on the gall blader and the liver.

Because of the beautiful green colour, this natural gemstone is an amazing stone to wear, and goes really well with these season’s pastel colours. Consider getting your own Peridot, and let the people around you feel green with envy!



