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Friday 15 November 2013

Time to Speak Up!

Did you worked hard throughout this year and yet find yourself not able to attract the promotion you want?

Is this the time for performance review?
Are you worried about how to show the value you have created?

It is time to speak up!

Blue Apatite is a stone of the Throat Chakra which helps to enhance your vocal ability. 
For those whom wish to improve their presentation skills, be it singing or public speaking, Blue Apatite is one of the blue stones to use. 

Sometimes, when life is stagnant or we have reached bottle neck in some areas of our life,  we need the extra motivation to push us so that we can move on and be ambitious in our own future. Blue Apatite is best use for these areas. 

For students, Blue Apatite is good for study purpose as it also improves concentration and memory skills. 

Blue Apatite is particularly supportive for professionals like accountants, wealth managers, financial advisors, project managers and business consultants.

One of the well known properties of Blue Apatite is that it can help to control hunger and promote weight loss.

Surprise the people around you with the extra confidence in speaking up with Blue Apatite!

Friday 5 July 2013

Bring Sunshine to Your Life!

Would you like to have more sunshine in your life?
Would you like to be in a Happy mood daily?

Sunstone is a bright crystal, providing positive and happy energy for you to radiate from within!
Feel the lightness in your steps, feel the sun's energy, like a Phoenix during a Sunrise!

Sunstone were once thought to be stones dropped from the Sun during the ancient days.
It carries with it the vibrations to bring more dance to your life.
Unique Sunstone family: Golden Sunstone

When we mentioned Sunstone, does it reminds of this song?

You are my Sunshine,
My Only Sunshine
You make me happy
When the skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my Sunshine away!

We have found a great unique Sunstone family, Golden Sunstone.
They are especially bright and happy!
Golden Sunstone
Self creation by Ms Sharon

Come and feel a lovely Golden Sunstone at New 8ge Treasures!
It helps to brighten up your day, again and AGAIN!

Thursday 20 June 2013

Purifying your environment

As the haze descends to our small city, everyone have been caught surprised with the extent of the haze this year!

Our clients have been asking what they can do for their home, given this toxic air around us?

So here is our suggested DIY Air Freshener.
Find a simple glass container. Then filled them up with Petrified Wood first, then followed by Citrine Tumble Stones. Then add water.

Citrine stones are great cleaners crystals. They help to clean up the energy around the area. Hence placing the citrine crystals around your bed or working area helps to clean up the toxic around you.

For Petrified Wood cystals, they are fossilized trees with thousands of years of history. They are a great grounding crystal, helping to calm nervousness and allowing you to ground yourself under this environmental stress. They can also help to recharge your energy.

Here is how it looks like.

Top it up with a lovely stalk of Lily flower to give your room a nice and fresh smell!

So remember to recharge yourself and your crystals with Citrine and Petrified Wood crystals!

P.S. Change your water regularly.

Thursday 6 June 2013

The number 3

What is an Auspicious number in our culture?

Here we would like to introduce to you the number 3.

3 represents the principle of expansion, growth and abundance on the physical, emotional, mental, financial and spiritual levels in numerology.

If you are looking at expanding your business, 3 is the number you can consider to grow your business to the next level. If you are looking to grow your wisdom, to be able to take the right steps in your life, consider 3 too! If you are looking to be able to handle a bigger stage of your life like Parenthood, consider 3!

How do we bring the number 3 into our lives? Here is one example we can do in a simple way.
You can have 3 elephants placed within your house. We have Tiger Eye Elephants or the 3 Ancient coins put together. Tiger Eye crystals are good for prosperity and protection, while Elephants will bring wealth to you through their long trunk, helping you suck wealth to you!

By having 3 little elephants on your working desk or Fortune Corner, they can bring joys and abundance to its owner.

Remember 3 is a charming number!

Friday 1 February 2013

Stone Of Heaven

As Chinese New Year draws near, I cannot help but reminisce about the multitude of Chinese practices that have been passed down from ages past. Indeed, the Chinese culture is one to be revered in. While the Chinese civilization has evolved much over the past thousands of years, within the crystal world itself there is a beautiful stone that has been held in the highest regard by the Chinese Culture ever since the start of the Chinese civilization. Can you all guess what this beautiful natural stone is?
If you guessed the Jade, then you are absolutely right! Jade is held in the highest regard, and is seen as valuable and precious, even more so than other precious metals like gold. Confucius, in his time, cleverly used the properties of Jade as a comparison of sorts to guide his students to being gentlemen. If you are interested, below is an excerpt of his teachings:
"Jade is precious not because it is rarer, but because the quality of jade corresponds to a gentleman's virtue. It corresponds to such virtues as benevolence, wisdom, righteousness, propriety, loyalty, and trustworthiness, and it also corresponds to the ways of the heaven and earth. Jade is mild and gentle, just like a gentleman's benevolence; Jade has a fine texture yet it is solid, just like a gentleman's wisdom, his careful, meticulous and thorough way of handling things. Though jade has edges and corners, it is not sharp and will not hurt others, resembling a gentleman's sense of justice and uprightness. When the jade is hung, it symbolizes a gentleman's polite restraint and prudence. When it is struck, it releases a clear and spirited sound, akin to the nature of music. Though jade is beautiful, blemishes are also obvious, but they will not obscure its merits. Just like a gentleman's loyalty, it's without bias and without a need to conceal. In addition, the colour of jade can be seen from all angles. Just like a gentleman's trustworthiness, his behaviour is consistent with his words. Even in a dark room, he is trustworthy and will not cheat others. Jade is crystal like, glittering and translucent as a white rainbow, like the white clouds in heaven, which harmonize the heavens and correspond to the heavenly principles. The spirit of the jade can be seen in the landscape, like 'when jade lies in a deep pool, it makes the river enchanting. When jade rests in the mountain, the grass becomes luxuriant.' "
As mentioned in the excerpt above, we can easily pick out the following few characteristics of Jade:
-          Emits energy that is mild and gentle
-          Has a fine yet solid texture
-          Does not have sharp edges
-          Striking the Jade results in a clear, spirited sound
-          The colour of any particular jade is consistent at any angles
-          Has a crystal like, translucent look
The Jade is also regarded by many to be able to form a connection between the physical being and the spiritual being. It is seen as the only element that encompasses both the yin and the yang energy of heaven and earth, hence the nickname – Stone of Heaven.

The energy emitted by the Jade is one that instills acceptance and harmony. Wearing the stone, I feel like I am at peace with the world and more importantly, at peace with myself. I strongly recommend trying out how owning a piece of jade will change your life! Such a powerful loving stone has the power to change your outlook in life, especially if it has always been negative, and help you accept things as they are.  Check it out yourself at my shop if you are interested! I look forward to sharing more about this beautiful stone with you.

Saturday 5 January 2013

It's a New Year!

2012 has been a wonderful and fruitful year for me. In 2011, I fulfilled my dream of having my own business and turn my hobby into a business. That was a big challenge to my family and myself. I am very thankful for their supports and understanding.

What I find it so fruitful in 2012 was I made many lovely new friends.

My husband always encourages me to make new friends but I didn't really seriously act on it. Why? Because at my age, I don't know where and how I can make new friends. Do I have the time? Are they sincere? So many silly thoughts came and gone.
Amazing, with positive thoughts and sincerity, I got to meet many nice people and some of you have become good friends. 
Crystals are enhancement tool to uplift your life. With positive energy and good intentions, it naturally will attract wonders into your life. I hope our customers and friends can enjoy these wonders of the Earth as much as we do!
As we enter the New Year, it is time to take care of the crystals and environment as they have taken care of us the whole year. It is a practice for most of us to engage in spring cleaning our homes. Nothing feels better than the act of cleaning out the clutter that has accumulated over the year, and “starting afresh” in a clean and organized environment.
While the majority of us consider spring cleaning as clearing out the physical clutter surrounding us, did you all know that the environment that you are residing in requires clearing out as well? Your surroundings may be filled with a lot of energy, both positive and negative.
These overwhelming amounts of accumulated energy may result in you feeling demotivated and lethargic. As such, when it comes to spring cleaning, we must clear out the old stale energy, and make way for new, fresh energy to surround you in your environment.
And this is where crystals come into play!
By utilizing the three elements that I am going to introduce below, the environments that you are residing in can be rejuvenated, and you will feel refreshed and ready to start 2013 with a bang!
The first element is the White Sage. A beautiful plant with smooth and white leaves and white flowers with hints of lavender, the White Sage is used cleanse one’s environment, mainly by removing the negative energy surrounding the place. The process of cleansing is easily done, and can be completed within 10 minutes. You can burn some White Sage leaves or incense and using the smoke to diffuse over every door/window in the environment you are cleansing.  Walk around with your lilted White Sage plant and smoke the house in a clockwise direction.

The next element is Sea Salt. Place your crystals into a bowl of water and add a pinch of sea salt into the bowl. Leave it to soak for an hour or less. Do note that some crystals are very soft and is not suitable for sea salt rejuvenation. Please check with us or read our previous article about this method.
Citrine Tumble Stones
The last element that I would like to introduce in today’s article is the Citrine stone. If you are like me - an avid crystal collector, then you will definitely need the Citrine stone to be part of your cleansing process. As crystals’ energies dwindle over time, there is a need to “recharge” them, as well as clean up any negative energy the crystal may have attracted.

Natural Citrine Stone

The Citrine stone is particularly wonderful as it requires no cleansing on its own, yet is able to cleanse other crystals simply by being placed beside it. We have just launched a new series of products. We now have Citrine Auric Atomizer spray in our shop. Do come down and check it out!
Join me in using the above three elements as mentioned above in the spring cleaning process! I hope you will find that in doing so; you will have begun 2013 with not only clean space, but clean energy as well!