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Friday 26 October 2012

Lemon Quartz - Faster-acting than Citrine!

Ever heard the popular saying: “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? Well, I say, when life gives you lemons, get the lemon quartz! You may be wondering to yourself now, why is that so? Well, that is because the lemon quartz is known to bring not only fresh flow of energies, but GOOD LUCK as well!
Lemon Quartz Owl

Especially useful around the workplace, the lemon quartz is able to keep one’s focus at work, guiding you in the right direction towards the goals you have set. Keeping the lemon quartz close by not only helps you to keep up with tight deadlines, but also helps in maintaining relationships between co-workers.

In terms of physical beauty, the lemon quartz is a gorgeous gemstone belonging to the quartz family. As the name suggests, it is classified under the lemon yellow variety within the quartz family. It is naturally formed through the heating of iron, amethyst, and most importantly, yellow quartz, all together at an extremely high temperature and pressure. It is also this natural process that results in the beautiful yellow colour of the final product. With its beauty, paired with durability and hardness, it is no wonder that the lemon quartz is a top choice for use in making all sorts of jewelry.

Lemon quartz attracts me most for its capability to attract money fast.

One of my customers who is in- charge of sales collections has feedback that their customers even paid long outstanding invoices without any reminders!
Lemon Quartz Egg Shape

So remember, when life gives you lemons, instead of making lemonade, surround yourself with the lemon quartz – it stimulates within your inner self a sense of bliss and contentment by reminding you of the goods things in life, thus reducing or overpowering any sense of negativity you may be experiencing.

Please come down to my shop at Nex if you are interested to experience for yourself what the lemon quartz is able to do for you!

Friday 19 October 2012

Crystal Cleansing

Why do you need to cleanse your newly obtained crystals?

Generally, crystals are harvested from crystal caves, ocean or any parts of the World. The whole process begins from mining out from the crystal caves to the finished products. This process took a lot of efforts and precious human time. Imagine some crystals might have travelled all over the world to reach their final destination….on your hand.

By then, the crystals might have already tinged with many forms of energies during their journey and still carried with them while on display at our shop. That is why it is important to cleanse the crystals once you obtain them. The intention is to wash away all the negativities and re-energize the crystals to their original energy.

How do you cleanse your crystals?

Rinse under running tap water 
Rinse your crystals under running tap water is the easiest and most convenient method. It washes the negative energies it have accumulated.

Place in the light of the sun or moon
Recharge your crystals in the light of the sun or moon for few hours. All crystals should not place under direct sunlight as the strong sun ray may cause the crystals to fade even if it is natural.

Natural Sea Salt
Soak your crystals in a clean container filled with clean water and a pinch of natural sea salt. You may soak the crystals overnight but remember to rinse under running tap water once done.

Gentle reminder: Crystals that are water soluble like Azurite, Azurite-Malachite, Lapis lazuli, Malachite, Hematite, Iron Pyrite, Sugilite, should not soak in water.

Use other crystals as cleansing crystals
Certain crystals like Amethyst, Carnelian, and Clear Quartz cluster have the ability to cleanse other crystals. Place them around or near these crystals will help to cleanse and recharge your crystals.

Natural White Sage products
White Sage Products
Natural White Sage plants are a herb that comes various countries like America, Mexico and Australia. They have been used by the natives American Indians for purification purposes for thousands of years. You can use white sage herbs to purify and cleanse your crystals. White sage products are available as incense, smudge sticks or spray. Besides using it to cleanse your crystals, white sage can also be used to cleanse your home, office or retail shops.

White Sage Smudge Sticks & Incense
If you have many crystal collections, the simplest method to cleanse your crystals is to use white sage herbs to smudge (light up a bundle of white sage and use the smoke) your crystals so that you need not move them around.

Crystals are from Mother Earth. They have existed for many hundreds of thousands of years. Taking time to cleanse your crystals is extremely important and should be done regularly. So take care of your crystals so that they can take care of you!

Sunday 14 October 2012

"Higher Level"

Previously, I’ve introduced stones that anyone can benefit from. Today, I would like to introduce a “higher-level” stone that is particularly strong, and also, extremely useful for people who have been practicing chakra meditation. The Serpentine is a stone that works to clear any blocked or stagnant energy. Though not a frequent practitioner of chakra meditation myself, I find that using the Serpentine helps stimulate and arouse my kundalini energies. This energy, in case you are wondering, has been described as a “sleeping, dormant potential force in the human organism”.

Usage of the Serpentine in meditation can help to achieve Kundalini Awakening. This experience has sometimes been dubbed as the one and only way to attaining Divine Wisdom. That aside, achieving the Kundalini Awakening brings about an “awakening of inner knowledge” and with that, pure joy, pure knowledge and pure love. If you are searching for such an enlightening experience, yet are facing trouble attaining it, I strongly recommend the Serpentine which will bring you one step closer to your goal.

Additionally, it is also a stone that heals the heart and the lungs, so really, even if you’re not using the stone for meditation purposes; it is still a good stone to keep around. It encourages cellular regeneration, and helps to keep one looking youthful and energetic.

之前介绍的石头非常容易运用。今天,我想介绍一个比较不同的石头 - 蛇纹石。蛇纹石特别强,对于一直在练习轮冥想的人非常有用。它能轻易清除任何阻止或停滞的能源。虽然我不是频繁的轮冥想练习者,但我也发现了使用蛇纹石有助于激发和调动我的昆达利尼能量。



Monday 1 October 2012

Super 7

There’s Superman; our all-time favourite superhero, Super Junior; a Korean Boy Band, and in the Crystal World, there’s also something super, a.k.a. Super 7.

When I was discussing the Tiger Iron, I mentioned that something amazing is inevitably created when a few good elements are “combined” together. Given that the Super 7 is a crystal that retains the properties of the following 7 elements – Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Clear Quartz, Geothite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile and Smoky Quartz, it is without a doubt as amazing and super as it sounds!

The above-mentioned seven elements each has its own set of properties which I will briefly list down below so that you all can have a clearer understanding of how SUPER the Super 7 really is. 

Amethyst – helps to foster spiritual growth and connection with higher states of consciousness. It is a strong stone with the ability to change negative energy into positive energy, giving one the strength, stability, calm and patience to handle stressful situations.  

Cacoxenite – opens people up to the infinite field of intelligence, leading to solutions and enlightened ways of creating peace and harmony. It helps one see the positive and benevolent side of life.
Clear Quartz – is considered a premier crystal that is able to embrace one’s soul’s highest purpose and acts as a vessel of divine service. It is well-known for enhancing one’s communication and listening skills. 

Geothite – transforms old unconscious beliefs into new ones which are consistent with one’s conscious awakened desires/higher purposes. It helps to lessen the burden of distraction and enhances one’s ability to concentrate and focus.

Lepidocrocite – aligns, harmonizes, and most importantly, anchors the energetic bodies, thus honouring one’s soul’s physical experience with grace and ease. It can help to promote grounding, centering and clear thoughts, thus expanding and retaining one’s knowledge.

Rutile – a strong conductor and amplifier of energy, helping to open one’s awareness to multi-dimensional states of being. It promotes and builds stability within relationships, and is a great tool for dispelling unwanted energy.

Smoky Quartz – helps to ground, energize and clear one’s entire energy field. It enhances focus, attentiveness, creativity and good business acumen.

Although there is this saying “too many cooks spoil the broth”, in the case of the Super 7, it is able to retain all the energy and clarity of each of the individual element that it is made up of. This means that all the benefits of each of the elements as mentioned above are essentially packed into one Super 7 crystal. How much more amazing can it get?

Well, apparently much more. Did you know that it is a crystal that never needs cleansing or energizing? The elements which make up the Super 7 work in harmony together, providing the cleansing and energizing effect on their own. Given that the Super 7 is able to help the user open up all the senses and see auras, it is deemed an important stone for stimulating and developing psychic abilities. 

You might think that the Super 7 is named as such because it is made up of 7 elements. However, the cooler, as well as more accurate, reason is because it is associated with all seven chakras, healing, balancing and energizing all of them together.  It truly is a crystal that will help you if you are seeking personal growth and the truth of life!