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Friday 27 July 2012

Wealth Elephants 吸财大象

The Elephant is a sacred animal symbolizing loyalty, wisdom, strength, longevity and all the noble qualities of a good leader. It is also believed to bring abundance lucks and wealth to its owner.

Where to place the Elephants?

  1. If you are planning to have new family member (i.e. baby), it is best to activate the Elephants close to your bedroom entrance leading towards your bedroom or beside your bed.
  2. For more family luck, place the Elephants in the west sector of your living room to signify descendant luck.
  3. For protection, you may place the Elephants facing your main door or at any entrance of your home or office.
  4. For office protection and good luck, place them on your work desk facing out
 吸财大象 --有增权力、聚财和吉祥如意之功。 

大象是神圣的动物。它象征忠诚、 智慧、 力量和 长寿, 有领导才能。因为大象的鼻能吸水和喷水, 在风水学上, 大象有吸财功用。如将其摆放于公司或者家中,则会增加公司的生意、财源广进, 并且有助事业发展增加个人的权威。

, 如山一般, 可以起到吸旺气加强靠山之力量的功效。靠山即贵人, 凡事有靠山, 做起事来也更得心应手。

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Black Rutilated Quartz 黑发晶

Black Rutilated Quartz has strands of black tourmaline within clear or white quartz crystal.  This combination embodies both the energy of Black Tourmaline and the strong vibration of Clear Quartz crystal, which amplifies the Tourmaline energy. Thus Black Rutilated Quartz is a powerful healing crystal that balances Yin and Yang energy.

Black Rutilated Quartz is also a strong environmental cleanser as it amplifies the vibration of the Black Tourmaline out into the environment where it is located to transmute any negativity and create positive feelings.

Black Rutilated Quartz is an excellent stone to wear as it acts as a shield preventing negativity and promoting and amplifying positive energy for increased harmony in your life.

黑发晶又称领袖石,为人主管者戴着可增加领袖魅力,让部署向心力加强,有助于事业成功。黑发晶特指内涵物为黑色针状,多数为黑色电气石(黑碧玺 Black Tourmaline) 的成分。黑发晶能消除负性能量具有强大的避邪化煞能力。


Friday 20 July 2012

Bronzite 古铜辉石 Stone of Courtesy

The first time I heard the name of Bronzite was sometime early last year. A male customer was actually looking for Bronzite and told me that it is a very powerful protection stone against negative vibes.

Early this year, another customer highlighted that Bronzite is a stone of courtesy and it is excellent for people in customer service line to maintain politeness and calm.  Recently we have some Bronzite bracelets that just arrived and out of curiosity, I decided to wear one myself, and I did experience the comforting energy of Bronzite.

So let us discuss a bit more about Bronzite.

The Bronzite is a crystal made of magnesium and iron. The energy emitted by this crystal has been said to promote control and certainty, encouraging the user to take control of actions and be sure about decisions. In addition, this natural crystal is also able to help one transit through the different phases of life and ease the symptoms of aging! Now this is something that I am sure all of us will be pleased with.

Overall, the Bronzite is a natural crystal that benefits in the following ways:

1) Physical health: preventing and eliminating internal ulcers
2) Emotional health: Eliminating depression
3) Spiritual health: by being really useful in helping the user to develop a spiritual transformation.

Use Bronzite at night for the best effect, and wake up feeling recharged, centered, and ready to take on any challenges that may come along your way.

I look forward to aging gracefully with this beautiful crystal.




Wednesday 18 July 2012

Life's Great Fortune “终生有钱”

 A symbol of Life's Great fortune, the Celestial Animal, Pixiu, lies majestically on a Heavenly Bell. This symbolizes a lifetime of Wealth and Abundance. Enhanced with the 8 Treasures Crystals, the wearer carries auspicious luck and fortune!

招财瑞兽, 貔貅坐蹲于天钟, 有“终生有钱”的美好寓意。佩帶八宝水晶, 定然财运亨通,

Friday 13 July 2012

Peridot - The Happy Crystal

The green colour is one of my favourite colours. It has often been associated with nature, healing and rejuvenation. I am sure many of us have been told that looking far at the greenery plants relaxes the eyes, or that eating green vegetables is beneficial for the body. Well, do you all know that in the crystal world, there is a beautiful green stone that is believed to be a gift from Mother Nature? The happy crystal, Peridot is one of the few gemstones around that can only be found with one colour – green. The intensity of the colour of this natural crystal varies depending on the iron content, with the most valued shade being the dark olive-green.

The Peridot has been mentioned in many ancient references such as the Bible, and is considered to be sacred, especially to the early Christians. Traditionally, Catholic Bishops  adorn a ring of peridot and amethyst which symbolises purity and morality. This is still a practice in various parts of the world. During the rise of the French Empire, Napoleon himself once presented Josephine with a gift of this beautiful natural crystal, Peridot to declare his undying love and admiration.

The Peridot is truly a stone of beauty and lightness. It is a happy crystal. The crystal is a protector against negative emotions. It has a calming effect which soothes the wearer, especially for the spiritual or clear-minded person. The Peridot has been known to have healing effects on the gall blader and the liver.

Because of the beautiful green colour, this natural gemstone is an amazing stone to wear, and goes really well with these season’s pastel colours. Consider getting your own Peridot, and let the people around you feel green with envy!





Friday 6 July 2012

Angelite 天使石

Hello! Today I am going to share with you a crystal that I think most ladies would love to have – the Angelite!

You might be wondering why, and this is because…

*drum roll please*


That aside, the Angelite is also a beautiful crystal that brings about energy that is calm yet powerful. It helps you attain peace where truth are spoken and provides acceptance of difficult situations that cannot be changed. It also allows you to be more compassionate when dealing with these situations. It has been said that there is a guardian angel living inside Angelite, acting as a protective shield against ill-wishers, thus maintaining peace and harmony in all relationships.

If that’s not amazing enough, the Angelite is a wishing stone which can be used to make wishes during the full moon! It helps you to connect with your personal guardian angel and acts as a guide in the form of dreams during your sleep. It is a crystal that will bring you calmness and unconditional love.

So ladies, are you already falling in love with this crystal?


天使石能助人们取得内心的平静,因此也被称为宁静之石。它有助于安抚一个人的喉轮,使他在运用言语表达时能够柔软,顾及听者的感受。天使石使人容易进入静心的状况,而有助于与守护天使沟通。因此具有保平安, 辟邪等良性作用。

在月圆时, 你可以握住天使石许愿, 它有助于实现您的愿望,因此也被称为许愿石。此外,它能带来无限爱。


Tuesday 3 July 2012

Popular Feng Shui Treasures – Dragon Tortoise

Dragon Tortoise is known as the eldest son of the Celestial Dragon King. It has the head of dragon and the body of tortoise. Dragon Tortoise symbolizes the powerful authority of the dragon and the longevity of the tortoise.

Dragon Tortoise is believed to enhance one’s career, attracts mentorship, wealth luck, good health, longevity and protection.

Personally, Dragon Tortoise is one of my favourite Feng Shui Treasure as it carries “All in One” benefits.

风水吉祥物 -龙龟


龙龟具有加强人缘, 招贵人(靠山)的功能。