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Wednesday 15 October 2014

Something special about October!

Phosphosiderite is a rare crystal as some crystal books referred.

Phosphosiderite pendant

When I first saw this crystal, I was immediately attracted by the natural purple color. I have no idea what are the crystal properties yet, but I already have this strong connection with this beautiful crystal.

As I held the crystal in my left hand, there was an amazing flow of energy vibration started from my left hand and went through my heart chakra, then out from my right hand. My heart chakra felt much lighter and opened up. Next thing I know I feel my crown chakra glowed and I can feel the energy moving upwards.

One night, I put on my Phosphosiderite pendant and then I went to sleep. When I woke up next morning, I felt energized and I had a very peaceful sleep last night.

I would recommend this beautiful crystal to everyone. This is very exciting to me, as I know there more areas to explore on this crystal's properties. Phosphosiderite is a treasure to keep.

在水晶籍里, 铁矿是一种稀有的水晶。

当我第一次看到铁矿时, 我被它自然的紫色吸引了 

正如我左手持有铁矿,我感了能量。开始从我的左手并通我的心,然后从我的右手流出我的心突然感觉轻多,并被打开了。 接下来我得我的打开了,感能量向上移



Thursday 14 August 2014

New Creation

Upon request from our customer, Ms Sophia, we have designed a bracelet consisting of Jade Ruyi and bronzite crystals. 

This combination will help to remove negativity and bring harmonious flow of good energy thus it can be used as amulet for love, abundance, protection and career. 

Hope you like our creation too...

Thursday 22 May 2014

Auspicious Crystal Wealth Bowl (聚宝盆)

Wealth bowl
(King ammolite, 5 elements sphere (balls), peridot)
Wealth bowl
5 element spheres, crystal egg, gold nuggets, peridot
Wealth bowl
(Kind ammolite, gold abacus, 3 ancient coins, gold nuggets, citrine, jade ruyi, tiger iron elephants, peridot)
Wealth bowl
(3 ancient coins, citrine, iron pyrite, peridot)

Quotes from our loyal customer

" Do you believe...After wearing Citrine for 2 months, I got another award and the monetary award is a four figure worth of money!"

Sunday 30 March 2014

Mangano Calcite ~ 锰方解石

Mangano calcite aka Pink calcite reminds me of sweet cotton candy.

When you are admiring the sweetness of it's colour, you may wonder what this lovely crystal is used for.

Well, this beautiful crystal is for the heart chakra. It can help to release anger or frustration especially for children who are always grumpy.

Do you want to have love and harmony?

Create more sweetness in your life by treating yourself well, open your heart  and be receptive to love by others.