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Friday 10 August 2012

Tiger Iron

Take a few good elements, combine them together, and you get something really amazing! The Tiger Iron crystal is one such example of an amazing creation, with the creator being none other than Nature itself. The Tiger Iron is formed from a combination of Tiger Eye, Red Jasper, and Hematite. As such, the Tiger Iron contains properties from all the three elements it is made up of.  The Tiger Iron crystal is also known as Mugglestone, which makes it sounds like it is something from the World of Harry Potter!

Here is a simple overview of the properties of the three key ingredients within the Tiger Iron.

Owl Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye: The Tiger Eye is used to bring about insight and clear thinking. More known as a crystal for the mind rather than the body, the Tiger Eye crystal helps to steer thoughts in the right direction and allows the wearer to be aware of his/her own needs in relation to the needs of others.

Red Jasper: The Red Jasper, also known as the “supreme nurturer”, is a provider of protection and, at the same time, an absorber of negative energy. It is a crystal that encourages honesty within one’s self and gives one the courage to face even the toughest problems. It has the ability to stimulate and transform ideas into action.

Hematite: The Hematite is a protective stone which grounds the wearer. It stimulates the wearer, allowing for strong concentration and focus, giving the wearer a sense of courage, strength, endurance and vitality. It is a natural crystal which has strong physical healing properties, aiding in the restoration and regulation of blood supply. This is especially useful for wearers suffering from blood conditions such as anaemia.

As you can see, the above three crystal has their merits on their own. However, when combined together into the Tiger Iron, it becomes even more stronger, without being “overloaded” by too many functions. It is able to “multi-task” and brings about all the benefits that are within the Tiger Eye, Red Jasper and Hematite, as mentioned above. I really enjoy having the Tiger Iron around me, as it gives me the energy and will-power to go about my everyday life with confidence and focus!








  1. Hi I like your blog n just a subjection, u can share more about use of crystal, n even how to mediate using crystal?

  2. Thanks for your suggestion. I will look into it for the coming articles. Carol.

  3. I enjoy the properties of Tiger Iron and actually felt the vibes through this crystal
