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Friday 15 June 2012

Red Phantom 红幽灵水晶

Hi again! Today, I would like to talk more about the Red Phantom, which is the first crystal I bought! As mentioned in the first entry, the Red Phantom was recommended to me for the purpose of boosting mentorship.

Close-up of my Red Phantom
The Red Phantom is a crystal that is part of the Phantom Crystals Family, which consists of the Amethyst Phantom, the Green (Chlorite) Phantom, Black Phantom, Silver Phantom and White Phantom.

Wonder why they are called Phantom Crystals? Well, it is because they formed over the course of millions of years, over earlier rock crystals that already exist. Each crystal displays the outlines of numerous smaller crystals, known as phantoms! Phantom Crystals symbolize universal awareness, and is an excellent tool for meditation and assistance in connecting with higher realms of knowledge.
Green Phantom Rings

The Red Phantom, in particular, is rare, and can be used to produce highly recognizable vitality. This can be directed towards intellectual advancements, creativity, and intuitive endeavours. Over the years, I have kept the Red Phantom by my side as I progressed in my career, and even now when I have my own shop, the Red Phantom continues to stimulate energy, vitality, passion and creativity within me!

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