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Friday 16 November 2012

Loving Nature (Mookaite Stones Part 1)

My love for crystals complements another of my favourite past-time – taking nature walks. From young, I have been drawn to nature, marveling at how Mother Nature creates and molds our natural environment. Did you all know that crystals are also another one of Mother Nature’s beautiful creations?

Crystals are formed beneath the Earth’s surface, and many factors affect the formation of crystals, such as water availability, temperature, pressure etc. Ever since I discovered the world of crystals, I often find myself taking strolls along nature parks with a variety of stones/crystals. And while it is always relaxing to indulge in nature, when complemented with a couple of crystals in my pocket, I find my experiences brought to a whole new level.

In particular, I enjoy carrying a couple of Mookaite stones in my pocket whenever I feel the urge to explore the beauty of nature. I find that especially when I am feeling conflicted about certain decisions that I have to make, a walk in Nature with the Mookaite stones helps to clear my mind and shine some light on the various options available to me. The vibrations from the Mookaite stones bring about an energy that makes me more aware of my options, helping me to make the best decision based on my circumstances at that point in time.

Working with the Mookaite has also changed my outlook on life in general. Regular walks with the Mookaite stones have instilled within my inner self a sense of calm and understanding that while I am growing older, I am in fact, getting younger. Age is just a number, and with the way I am living my life now, surrounded by amazing and beautiful crystals, I have never felt younger and more energized!  

Other than the Mookaite, there are a variety of other stones/crystals that work really well for walks in the nature as well. Some gives off a relaxed and contented vibe, while others instill upon the user a sense of adventure and energy. If you are, like me, a nature lover, and would like to know how to enhance your nature walk experience, you know where to find me!

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