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Wednesday 7 November 2012

Black Precious Opal

We all have wishes – things that we want to have. And every now and then, through our efforts, hard work, or sometimes, even sheer luck, we manage to make a few of these wishes come true.

Remember the feeling when you finally achieve something you had wished for? Well, now just imagine what it would be like, if every single one of your wish came true?

Today, I would like to share some insight about a beautiful gemstone that is said to have the ability to help you attain your wishes. Known as the Black Precious Opal, this gemstone has the power to intensify and make known one’s intentions, especially if is emotionally charged. Essentially, the power of this amazing stone is its ability to amplify the effects of one’s emotions (i.e. the reason behind your wish), blend it together with one’s focused intentions (i.e. the thing you are wishing for), to result in a higher possibility of one’s wish coming true. This is not to say that it will work just like Aladdin’s Magic Lamp - granting every single one of our wildest wish. But, the Black Previous Opal, when used correctly in the right setting, can act as our own Genie, and an even better one that Aladdin’s, because there is no limit of only three wishes!

This is also why the Black Precious Opal underscores the importance of the common proverb: “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.” The idea that all our wishes can come true is definitely a tempting one, but are we really sure that we want all our wishes to come true?

“Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” – The Dalai Lama 

“More tears are shed over answered prayers that unanswered ones.” – Mother Theresa

As the Black Precious Opal is a powerful gemstone, it is recommended that one should only work with it in a high state of awareness and excellent control of one’s thoughts and feelings. If you are interested in exploring the power of this beautiful gemstone, please do come down to the shop!

Not only can we discuss how to beneficially use the Black Precious Opal, you can also come and see for yourself how physically beautiful the Black Precious Opal is. We have limited exquisite pieces of the Black Precious Opal in store right now. With its unique internal structure, it is able to diffract all colours known to humans. Hope to see you!

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